
The 3 Common Types of Plastic Containers

Polyethylene Terephthalate

One of the most common plastics in consumer products is polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This kind of plastic is solid and lightweight, which is 100% recyclable. It is a flexible material that can be used in various ways, including in the manufacture of plastic bottles, plastic jars, and other packaging. It is also commonly used in cosmetics manufacturing, including shampoo bottles.

PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate and is known as Dacron and Mylar(r). PET is a thermoplastic polymer that is remarkably resistant to heat and chemicals. This material is also lightweight and has a high strength-to-weight ratio.

Other common types of plastic containers are polystyrene and polycarbonate. Polystyrene is commonly used in disposable coffee cups, take-out “clamshell” food containers, and plastic picnic cutlery. They are highly resistant to heat and leak chemicals when broken, so they are dangerous to marine and bird life. Recycling is also challenging, and it takes hundreds of years to decompose.


Polypropylene is a versatile plastic used in many industries, including food packaging, automotive parts, and household items. It is often a low-melt-viscosity plastic, making it ideal for various applications. Moreover, the material is recyclable, making it an excellent choice for recycling.

Polypropylene is very flexible, allowing it to be molded into various shapes and forms. Unlike other plastics, polypropylene can also be shaped into different shapes, making it ideal for packaging items subjected to physical stress. Polypropylene is also a durable material resistant to mildew, mold, and rot.

Polypropylene is one of the most durable plastics, making it an excellent choice for food packaging and other applications. It is also known for its heat resistance, making it a good choice for storing food and other goods subject to high temperatures. Another standard plastic, polystyrene (also known as Styrofoam), is a rigid plastic with good insulating properties. However, it is often considered a harmful plastic, as it can leach toxic neurotoxins into food.

Expanded Polystyrene

Expanded Polystyrene, or EPS, is a versatile material used in packaging various products. It offers excellent mechanical and thermal protection. It can also pack foods, such as fruits and vegetables. This type of plastic is accepted worldwide and has several benefits, including a hygienic barrier and the ability to withstand moisture.

EPS plastic containers can be customized to fit any shape or size. They are durable and can withstand up to 1000 times their weight. They can also be used to protect electronic equipment. EPS containers are also perfect for reducing transportation costs and avoiding breakage. For these reasons, consider using EPS containers whenever possible.

Contact a company that specializes in recycling plastics if you’re wondering what to do with expanded polystyrene plastic containers. These companies will evaluate your waste and provide recommendations on how best to recycle it. They can also help your business earn top dollar for their recyclable expanded polystyrene products.