Tech & Gadgets

How To Keep the Equipment In Your Facility Operating

When you own a company that manufactures products, it is vital to keep your equipment operating. If it breaks down, it can delay your shipments from going out and the items that were ordered will be late to your customer. Performing regular maintenance on this machinery will have it functioning at optimal performance and producing your inventory when it should. Here are a few steps to follow.

Look Over the Machinery

Schedule a time each month to shut a machine down for maintenance. This should be staggered between each unit so your facility can keep operating while you work. Divert the orders for the one you are focusing on to others to keep on task. First, you will want to perform equipment inspections little rock on it to see if there are any malfunctions that you can see that must be taken care of. Address these before you move on to the next stage in the process. This is also a good time to analyze the workspace around it and clean it thoroughly. Throw out trash and debris that has accumulated then sweep and mop.

Grease Moving Parts

Study the owner’s manual and purchase the lubricant that best works for that piece of equipment. Following the instructions listed, apply it to the bearings, gears, and other moving parts to keep them mobile. Replace belts that are worn or cracked. Swap out any pieces that are broken for new then clean within the machine to ensure that dirt and grime will keep out of it. Bring the unit online and evaluate the computer programs that operate it. If there are any updates that have been sent from the company that you purchased it from, install those and be sure they work before you move on from the job.

Teach Your Employees

When a new employee comes into your organization, ensure that they are trained on the machine that they will work on. This classroom period should be thorough followed by hands-on learning before they work on it by themselves. Have another staff member mentor them and observe what they do as they begin. They, as well as you, should be available for questions if they come up. If one of your machines receives an upgrade, schedule time to teach the entire department about the new features that it has. Provide them with a handbook so that they can refer to it while they are on the job.