
Facts About Aquatic Weeds

Are you looking into weed control for lakes? If so, then you might want to know that there are many different differences in aquatic plant growth habits amongst different aquatic weeds. This is due to the fact that they grow in differing environments. For example, there are some that grow best in low-lying areas and some that are better on sand or gravel. Due to this, aquatic weeds can be broadly divided into four categories, each with some common similarities in each category.

Types of Plants

These common plants are broadly classified as primary weed, secondary weed, floating weed, and sod roots. All have their own characteristics and use, but are generally found in every pond or lake. It is important to remember that some aquatic weeds do not appear until you have used your control management products on them. This makes it essential that you check on these early during your aquatic weed control management.

Unsprung Roots

The main characteristic of all aquatic weeds is that they are unsprung. They rely on floating algae for food and shelter and must also keep themselves dry in order to survive. It is generally advisable to try and get the main vegetation under control as well, as this will greatly assist in controlling any algae growth. In most cases you will find these aquatic weeds under pressure from other larger organisms like algae, therefore it is important that you make use of your control management products to limit the algae growth.

Types of Water Use

Certain parts of the country are prone to having slow water changes and farm ponds that are prone to high water use situations are another cause of aquatic weeds in lakes and ponds. As well as farm ponds, slow water changes can occur in reservoir systems that are used for domestic purposes. In both cases, you can be sure that the slow water changes will help to weed out the more unsprung plants and eventually help to control any overgrowth.

Control Methods

There are a number of biological control methods available to help you get rid of unsprung plants. Biological Control products will not only kill the unsprung plants but will also help to keep them from growing back again in the near future. It is important to get your water checked regularly by a professional for any signs of an overgrowth of aquatic weeds, or a possible pond bacterial infection.